Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Patient Zero

Greetings! Yes, it's me, the guy behind what was The Eternal Golden Braid which later morphed into The Lensman's Children. So, what the heck, Fred? Well, there will probably be a longer post down the road about my thoughts on this blog, but the main reason is: links. Yes, a lot of stuff I had linked to over the years on The Lensman's Children vanished, and I really was not willing to go back and edit, hunt, etc. the existing blog mostly due to the fact that it had grown (after a couple of restarts) to over 3,900 posts.
So, here we are again/here we are new. This blog will move forward from this point, with new posts. And, it will fill in from the past, as I look at the posts at The Lensman's Children and update them and take them down. Stay tuned. We're in for a bumpy ride.

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